

Vancouver-based luxury apparel brand Kit and Ace hosts multiple events as part of their brand building and community outreach.  The largest scale event of 2017 brought 1,100 people together in New York City for a mass meditation in One World Observatory. Kit and Ace The Exchange set out host a well-attended large scale community event in partnership with a local venue in order to share the live stream simulcast viewing of this global campaign.



Prior to the event, Kit and Ace The Exchange partnered with 8 influential event ambassadors with extensive social media followings. These ambassadors were able to market the upcoming event to their networks, helping to build visibility and garner interest in attending the event, while staying true to Kit and Ace’s brand. It was also important to highlight Kit and Ace’s brand story, which incorporates the importance of meditation for those living the fast-paced lifestyle that Kit and Ace designs for.



Largely due to the successful outreach by the event ambassadors, the event met projected attendance expectations. The general outreach for this event also led to numerous local guests posting about the online stream adding to the overall global reach of 500,000 on Facebook live.